Lookup data from another list inside a Nintex Form
Background A common requirement among form designers is the ability to surface SharePoint data from another list and optionally process that data. Displaying an entire list item or a list view is possible with the List Item and List View controls respectively, however the aforementioned controls render html as their output which cannot be processed in a Nintex formula. In scenarios where you want to obtain a value from a list column, for display or processing in a formula, the lookup function is a viable approach. An example would be a purchase order form whose list of purchasable items is maintained in a central list within SharePoint. Henceforth is an example of how to use the Lookup function. A Purchase Order utilizing the Lookup function Given a Products list containing the following purchasable items: We want to create a Nintex form allowing a user to purchase items from a centralized list. The first step is to create our Nintex Form with a Lookup control that is c...